सत्य वचन कलीसिया के सुसमाचार सेवकाई के लिए सहयोग करें और अपने परिवार और अपने कलीसिया के लिए पुस्तकें प्राप्त करें।

Showing 1–12 of 20 results

  • Surprised by Jesus

    Suggested donation: 200.00

    Surprised by Jesus:- In this book, Dane Ortlund reflects on this subversive grace as it uniquely emerges in each of the four Gospel accounts. In each Gospel, the message and mission of Jesus is deeply surprising:

  • The Gospel

    Suggested donation: 200.00
  • Evangelism

    Suggested donation: 200.00

    Warning against the temptation to uncritically embrace the latest evangelistic fad, this book will help churches cultivate a culture of evangelism within the context of community.

  • Conversion

    Suggested donation: 200.00

    Conversion: This book explains the relationship between what we believe about how people are saved and our approach to sharing the gospel in the context of the local church.

  • Habits of Grace

    Suggested donation: 200.00

    Habits of grace” are the God-designed channels through which his glorious grace flows—making them life-giving practices for all Christians. Whether it’s hearing God’s voice (the Word), having his ear (prayer), or participating in his body (fellowship).

  • Hope in an anxious world

    Suggested donation: 150.00

    Help and hope from the Bible when you feel anxious.

  • Know Your Enemy

    Suggested donation: 130.00

    Know Your Enemy:- In six manageable chapters, and with help from historical sin-battlers, we’ll learn more about Satan’s strategy and more about ourselves, and where we may be weak to attack.

  • Emotions

    Suggested donation: 130.00

    In this book, you’ll see that our emotions are vitally important as they are spiritual smoke alarms that can alert us to the state of our heart.

  • The Little Him Book

    Suggested donation: 100.00

    In The Little Him Book, Peter Mead draws our focus back to the One who is at the center of our faith.

  • Abide

    Suggested donation: 100.00

    In order to bear fruit, we must abide in Christ.

  • Training – How Do I Grow As A Christian

    Suggested donation: 100.00

    Training is a guide to show new Christians just that―how you should live and grow.

  • Conscience

    Suggested donation: 100.00

    Conscience: What do you do when you disagree with other Christians? How do you determine which convictions are negotiable and which are not? How do you get along with people who have different personal standards?